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How to Cope With the Stress of Finding A New Job

Finding a new job can be very stressful, especially if you are not getting any interviews or job offers. Here are some strategies to help you deal with the stress of job hunting.

Coping with the stress of finding a new job


Don’t Take Rejection Personally

The most important thing to remember is that a lack of progress in your job search is not something to take personally. There are many reasons that employers pass over job candidates. Try not to let that rejection impact your self-esteem or feelings of self-worth. Remember that you have value as a person apart from your career. Remind yourself that, eventually, the right job will come along. Turn to friends and family for support. Spending time with people who care about you will help remind you that you are valued. Talk about your feelings regarding your job search with someone you trust.

Don’t Let Finding A New Job Be Your Sole Focus

It can be easy to be consumed by finding a new job, but it’s not healthy to have tunnel vision where your job search is concerned. Separating your work life from your private life is essential, even when your “work life” consists solely of trying to find work. Spend a set amount of time each day trying to find a new job, and then give yourself permission to spend the rest of your time focusing on other things like family, friends, or hobbies you enjoy. This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed by your job search and the stress that it brings.

Focus on Being the Best Employee You Can Be

If you are currently employed, give your all every day at work. This can be difficult when you are in a job or career that you are unhappy with, but being a good employee is what will eventually get you the job that you desire. A solid work ethic is something that all employers value. If you are not currently employed, find ways to increase your employability. This could mean learning a new skill or getting a certification. Evaluate what the ideal job candidate for your dream job looks like and then do everything you can to become that person.

Re-evaluate Your Job Search Tactics

Identifying possible reasons for the lack of progress in finding a new job can help improve your outcomes. Take a serious look at the positions you are applying to and make sure that you meet more than 60% of the key qualifications and requirements. If you don’t meet at least 60% of the criteria, then you aren’t likely to be a top candidate. If you meet the qualifications, make sure you are tweaking your resume to target it to each position. Doing this shows employers that you are serious about wanting the position. It also makes it much easier for them to see why you are a good fit. Getting a second opinion on your resume is also a good idea. This can help you see potential red flags that are preventing you from getting interviews. We would be happy to review your resume for free, just send it over!

Seek Assistance

If you are at a loss on how to get your resume into the interview pile, our professional resume writers can help. We will work with you to identify accomplishments and value that you can bring to a new employer. We will also make sure that your resume is targeted toward the positions you want so that hiring managers view you as a top candidate. Check out the resume packages we have to offer and select the one that best meets your needs.